本中心轄下計畫主持人、臺大生醫電資所 賴飛羆教授,以及中心曾柏元執行長也將擔任本次活動講者,邀請您報名參與、共襄盛舉~
時間:台灣時間 2021/11/18 (四) 9:00-17:30
As previously, HPC Summit 2021 | APAC will bring together the leading APAC HPC players, peers, and experts to help you run faster. Join this event, and you can learn from experts from diverse fields who will demonstrate the latest trends in HPC technologies and their best practices.
The event will focus on HPC technologies and has been divided into several themes, including Genomics Analytics, Atmospheric Science, Open Source Solution for HPC. In addition, you can hear the challenges and thoughts of our ecosystem’s partners.